
A mobile app to fight the sedentary lifestyle.


Individual Case Study Project

  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Brand Identity
  • Illustration
  • Motion Graphic
  • Sketch
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere Pro


Sitting still all day is bad for your health.

WeUp reminds people to move around and change posture after a certain time. It also includes video tutorials inside for users to follow along with some light exercises that's easy to do in any environment.

1.1 primary research

Survey Summary

Data summary from the survey and interview. All of the participants experience discomfort or other symptoms from long sitting hours.

Group Created with Sketch. Group 2 Created with Sketch. SIT STILL FOR OVER 7 HOURS A DAY
1.2 secondary research

“Sitting is the New Smoking”

According to other articles and reports, sitting for too long is not just harmful to our physical body but also to our mental health.

Group 10 Created with Sketch.

Chronic Health

Sitting for too long increases the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancers.

Group 10 Created with Sketch.

Mental Health

Too much sitting can also be harmful to mental health such as depression and anxiety.

Group 18 Created with Sketch.


A sedentary lifestyle will also cause many discomfort such as back pain, stiff neck and shoulders...etc.

Problem Statement

How might we improve the health conditions of people with sedentary lifestyles by encouraging them to be more active?

2.1 Target Audiences

Primary Audiences

Main target audiences who are living with a sedentary lifestyle that has a bad impact on their health condition.

Artboard Created with Sketch.

Primary Audiences

Main target audiences who are living with a sedentary lifestyle that has a bad impact on their health condition.

Age Range

18 to 45


Male and Female


Student, office worker, driver...etc.

Sitting hours

Usually sit for at least 7 hours per day

Activity level

Very little to no exercise at all

Secondary Audiences

Secondary audiences who don't have a bad sedentary lifestyle but want to have a reminder and learn more about how to stay healthy.

Secondary Audiences

Secondary audiences who don't have a bad sedentary lifestyle but want to have a reminder and learn more about how to stay healthy.

Age Range

18 to 60


Male and Female


Any occupation, or people who usually stay at home

Sitting hours

Usually sit for 2 to 7 hours per day

Activity level

They have good exercise habits or a job that needs to move often

2.2 persona

Eden Mack




Milpitas, CA


Application Developer




Group 46 Created with Sketch.


Group 51 Created with Sketch.


Group 51 Created with Sketch.


Group 51 Created with Sketch.


William lives in a house in Milpitas with his wife and two kids. He works as an application developer in a tech company located in Silicon Valley. Due to his job nature, William always needs to sit in front of a computer for a whole day. He feels the tension at his lower back and some discomfort around his shoulder area.


William lives in a house in Milpitas with his wife and two kids. He works as an application developer in a tech company located in Silicon Valley. Due to his job nature, William always needs to sit in front of a computer for a whole day. He feels the tension at his lower back and some discomfort around his shoulder area.

“I work a lot and always have sore shoulders; I wish I had a reminder to help me stretch out the stiffness.”

2.3 typical user journey

1. Make the App Suits Your Need

For first time users, it’s optional for them to fill out questionnaires to help the app to better sort tutorials/tips based on their unique lifestyle and health conditions.


2. Create Custom Reminders

This user journey is when the user wants to create a customized reminder that fits their schedule.


3. Record at Anytime

This user journey is when the user knows that he/she is going to sit for a while and wants to be reminded for a certain frequency.

3.1 User Testing & Iteration

Low-fidelity Wireframe

Tested the sketches with potential users to see if they could understand the process.

Low-fidelity Wireframe

Tested the sketches with potential users to see if they could understand the process.

iteration plan
  • Add a button at the homepage for quick record
  • Add statistic panel where user can see their movement history and statistics
  • Add a skip hour function

Medium-fidelity Wireframe

The goal for this user testing is to see the functionality and if it's easy for the user to complete tasks.

Medium-fidelity Wireframe

The goal for this user testing is to see the functionality and if it's easy for the user to complete tasks.

iteration plan
  • Reduce the size of the navigation icon
  • Add titles to the navigation bar
  • Create a couple of key screens in high fidelity and gather feedback regarding the design and look

High-fidelity Key Screens

Created a couple of key screens in high fidelity to gather feedback regarding the design and look.

High-fidelity Key Screens

Created a couple of key screens in high fidelity to gather feedback regarding the design and look.

iteration plan
  • Add a function for the user to log in/sign up for an account in order to always have their data
  • Create a cleaner look that's more refreshing
  • Move the navigation more towards the bottom
3.2 Concept Video
4.1 Keywords
Group 10 Created with Sketch.

WeUp strives to refresh the user's daily life, not just on the physical body but also the mental healthiness.

Group 9 Created with Sketch.

With this app, users should feel more relaxed and comfortable. They will also be energized and well prepared for daily tasks.

Group 8 Created with Sketch.

The app has a positive tone that always encourages the user to be more active.

4.2 key screens


WeUp is an app that helps users to fight a sedentary lifestyle. It allows the user to create customizable reminders that fit the user’s unique schedule.

4.3 app highlights

Smart Reminder

  • Start to record anytime with customizable duration and stand up frequency
  • Three notification options to choose from, ringtone, vibrate and screen light up
  • Easy to see the process

Easy to Follow Tutorials

  • Browse tutorials that are specifically selected to counteract with the sedentary lifestyle
  • Collect your favorite tutorials
  • Upload your local videos to the tutorials collections

Easy to Follow Tutorials

  • Browse tutorials that are specifically selected to counteract with the sedentary lifestyle
  • Collect your favorite tutorials
  • Upload your local videos to the tutorials collections

Check Your Statistics

  • Check your daily/monthly/yearly goal completion status
  • Toggle between completion percentage and movement counts

Custom Reminders

  • Easy to see the reminder frequency, duration and which days will it be active
  • Toggle on/off for each reminder
  • Customize name to easily label different reminders

Custom Reminders

  • Easy to see the reminder frequency, duration and which days will it be active
  • Toggle on/off for each reminder
  • Customize name to easily label different reminders

Delightful Graphics

  • Illustration on the empty state to encourage the user to start recording
  • Bright color schemed navigation bar
  • Easily start recording right away or active an existing reminder at the home page
5.1 logo

Logo Exploration

Started with hand sketches, and explored selected ideas with digital versions.

Final Logo

The final logo uses the letter W from the app name: WeUp. It has an up arrow indicating the stand-up action as well as a meaning of staying positive. The fluid shape reflects the flexibility of a body.

Asset 3
Group 9 Created with Sketch.
5.2 color system

Energetic & Refreshing

Primary colors create an energetic and refresh feeling. The main color is white which keeps a clean tone.

Group 10 Created with Sketch.
5.3 iconography

Simple Lines

Icons are line icons with simple style, colors are used to indicate the different stages.

Group 68 Created with Sketch.
5.4 typography

IBM Plex Sans

Used IBM Plex Sans to create a clean, modern feel. It's also a typeface that can be used across the whole app with different weights.

Group 11 Created with Sketch.
5.5 illustration

Upbeat & Delightful

Illustrations are designed in branded color. They are used as the main visual elements in the app to create a consistent style.

06. conclusion


From both the prime source and secondary source, we can see that a sedentary lifestyle is a big problem for a lot of people. Action is needed in order to help people maintain good health. With WeUp, users can easily set reminders that are tailored to their specific schedules. The history function also allows users to see their movement statistics. Tutorials and tips within the app assist users to access useful information.


There might not be a perfect product that fits everyone's expectations. I've learned to prioritize and select feedbacks that have things in common. This helps me a lot with improving the product functionality.

User testing is crucial as it allows me to better understand users’ needs. It's important to step out of my shoes and see the product from other people's perspective.

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